Deadline extension – Symposia, Workshops and Innovation Sessions

Proposal Deadline Extended to: February 18, 2022

Thank you to those who submitted a symposium proposal for the upcoming AFS Annual Meeting in Spokane, WA, August 21-25, 2022.

After review of the proposals, we identified several key topics that we hope can still be included in the program. We are re-opening the “Call for Symposia” looking specifically for proposals addressing the following topics: hatchery management and supplementation effortsfish disease and pathogenspolicyregional topics of interest (e.g., Snake River dam removal), invasive speciesDEI-related topics, and AFS Section-related sessions

If you were unable to meet the previous deadline but have a proposal for another topic, please feel free to submit, but we will not guarantee inclusion in the program as a symposium. This targeted “Call for Symposia” will close on February 18th. Additionally, we will accept proposals for Continuing Education Courses/Workshops until February 18th. The “Call for Abstracts” will open in late February. 

See the meeting website for additional details:

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