Become a member of the WA-BC Chapter of AFS through the AFS National website at
Be sure to check the box to join the Chapter in addition to the regular AFS membership! This is an additional cost of $5 per year. For the small price of a fancy latte you will be contributing to keeping the Chapter running smoothly.
Not sure if you want to join yet? Here’s just some of the benefits to being a member:
THE REASON I JOINED AFS: “Every graduate student position and job on my resume is a direct result of being a member of AFS. I met Dr. Mike Allen from University of Florida through the AFS job page, Dr. Tom Kwak from North Carolina State University at an AFS meeting in Oklahoma City, my colleagues at The Fisheries Blog through the AFS student writing contest, and Smith-Root at AFS Trade Shows. Those opportunities would not have happened if I were not a member of AFS.” Patrick Cooney, Certified Fisheries Scientist & Author and Co-founder of The Fisheries Blog.
• Receive Fisheries magazine each month.
• Enjoy special savings on subscriptions to AFS published journals (including free digital access!).
• Enjoy special savings on meeting registration.
• Publish with AFS – you are assured of thorough and fair peer review, careful editing, and a quality final product.
• …and be part of the oldest fisheries society – established since 1870!